Build America, Buy America Act (BABA): What is It, What Has Changed & Where Do We Go From Here?
11/17/2023 In Products TechnicalIn 2021, President Biden signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which included the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA); however, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) only recently (August 2023) published final guidance implementing BABA, which went into effect October 23, 2023, and can be found on the Federal Register website here. In this #IronStrong Blog, we will navigate through BABA and discuss how it applies to Ductile iron products made in the USA.
Customer Spotlight: Legacy Water Group
07/08/2022 In Installation Project ProfileEven at the height of summer construction, casting pipe, and filling orders for more pipe, there's always time to take a moment to spotlight some of the great partnerships McWane Ductile has developed over the years. Once such partnership is that with Legacy Water Group who recently completed a water pipeline project in Athens, Alabama. This #IronStrong Blog quickly describes some of the highlights from the project.
How to Calculate Polyethylene Tape Requirements for Ductile Iron Pipe
04/29/2022 In Installation Products TechnicalIn my career with McWane Ductile, I've sold my fair share of polywrap, but the one thing that I haven't really thought about when selling polywrap is the tape needed to complete the installation. I'm not sure why this is. Maybe the biggest reason is I wasn't sure how much tape was required for each roll of polywrap I sold. Therefore, I wanted to take a deep dive into this subject to make it easier for people to know when ordering polywrap how much tape they need to purchase as well.
How Does Ductile Iron Pipe Go to Market? Understanding the Bidding Process
07/09/2021 In Our Company ProductsHow do you go to market? This isn’t a question we get often, but it comes up from time to time. Sometimes we're asked by a vendor we work with who is trying to understand McWane Ductile better. Sometimes a candidate asks the question during an interview or a new sales representative asks while we’re onboarding. Other times we have a hard-working team member at one of our manufacturing facilities trying to understand further what and where the product they make goes and how it gets there. In this blog, we will look at the different bidding processes we encounter on a day-to-day basis that allow us to take Ductile iron pipe to market.
CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT: Teamwork Makes the Water Work for BWRPWA
11/25/2020 In Our Company ServicesAlthough McWane Ductile loves highlighting major waterworks projects, sometimes it is seeing water professionals work together to solve a utility's problem that deserves recognition. Our valued partners at Northwest Arkansas Winwater called us on Monday, April 27, 2020, with a customer in need — Benton Washington Regional Public Water Authority (BWRPWA).
Why Is it Important to Know the OD/ID of Ductile Iron Pipe?
04/24/2020 In TechnicalOne of the more frequent questions we receive in the field is, “What is the size of a piece of Ductile iron pipe?” But that question may apply to the Outside Diameter (OD) or Inside Diameter (ID) of a piece of pipe. For this Iron Strong Blog, we are going to look at a particular size of pipe to help us understand why the OD and ID’s are important to you. We will be using 24 inches as our example pipe size.
Who To Contact For Info On DI Pipe
05/17/2019 In Our Company ServicesAs a municipality, contractor, or an engineering firm, you may have found yourself with a question at your desk or on a jobsite that you simply cannot answer. Sure, we’ve all been there and we all usually find that answer by leaning on our network of resources who specialize in an area of expertise.
So, what happens when you have that technical question while drawing up a set of plans or while at a jobsite? Who are you going to call?
Well, here at McWane Ductile, we want you to know that we’re here to assist you with your water works projects and provide solutions in OUR area of expertise, Ductile Iron Pipe (DI pipe).
What Pipe Linings Are Best for Sewer Applications?
11/01/2018 In ProductsArticle last updated 8/12/20
Ductile Iron Pipe is a tested and proven solution to sewer infrastructure needs in America. It’s not a cut and dry solution, though, and you as owners and consulting engineers have several options to choose from.
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