TR Flex® Fittings

McWane Ductile’s TR Flex® Restrained Joint Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings are manufactured in 4-inch through 36-inch sizes. The pipe and fittings are boltless, allowing quick, simple installation without special wrenches or tools, and utilize a factory-welded spigot bead and internal locking segments in a special bell to provide positive restraint while maintaining joint flexibility.
The fittings are rated for 350 psi up through 24-inch and rated for 250 psi in 30-inch and 36-inch sizes. These fittings employ the same joint configuration and locking segments as TR Flex pipe joints, thereby providing equal assurance of lasting performance against both internal and external loads of all kinds. McWane Ductile’s TR Flex fittings are currently available as non-domestic only.