M&H Valve and Tyler Union sign five Alabama Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education students

M&H Valve and Tyler Union recently welcomed Alabama Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME) students at Signing Day. FAME is an apprenticeship-style program that allows students to attend class two days a week and work three days a week in a local advanced manufacturing facility. The two-year technical associate degree combines a cutting-edge curriculum that supports advanced manufacturing technology, paid working experience, and learning highly sought-after business principles and best practices of a world-class manufacturer. Students will attend classes two days per week and work part-time up to 29 hours per week with our industrial maintenance team. This is the fifth year M&H Valve has participated in the program and Tyler Union's first.
Gadsden State Community College East Alabama FAME Program signed 38 students who will begin classes in the fall semester. Of the 100+ candidates applying for entry in the program, 60 met qualifications and interviewed for the available slots. Students were placed with employers through a draft. See the full story at at Gadsden State's website.
M&H Valve students:
Christopher Alvarez
Jackson Long
Jordan Veal
Tyler Union students:
Douglas Baker
Julius Scott